AWKward is a thought-provoking and humorous exploration of modern friendship. This compelling play follows two mates—one Indigenous and one white Australian — through the labyrinth of social interactions, uncovering the often-unspoken awkwardness that arises from differences in race, culture, and personal experience.
The true story of best mates who created the show in New York City while making a documentary. The pair dream of ‘making it big ’ in show business and screen excerpts from their doco during the show.
From the uncomfortable truths of race and cultural identity in Australia to the bizarre expectations of show biz and the high stakes of live performance, AWKward explores the moments that make us laugh, cringe, and ultimately reflect on what it means to be friends.
AWKward is a comedic theatre work for secondary students. It was developed in New York City (July 2024) with two Australian theatre-makers, Mitch King, an Indigenous dancer, musician and actor who is a Widjabul Wia-bal man from the Bundjalung nation and Dave Houston, a musician, comic and actor with an Anglo-Celtic background.
The show uses multimedia, improvisation, sketch and stand-up comedy and investigates the AWKward truth that exists within ourselves and our relationships in contemporary Australian society.
Following the show is an optional Q&A where the themes of the show are unpacked and investigated. The show is currently touring high schools on the east coast of Australia, before heading back to New York for a season.
Workshops in theatre-making are also available for drama students.
The true story of best mates who created the show in New York City while making a documentary. The pair dream of ‘making it big ’ in show business and screen excerpts from their doco during the show.
From the uncomfortable truths of race and cultural identity in Australia to the bizarre expectations of show biz and the high stakes of live performance, AWKward explores the moments that make us laugh, cringe, and ultimately reflect on what it means to be friends.
AWKward is a comedic theatre work for secondary students. It was developed in New York City (July 2024) with two Australian theatre-makers, Mitch King, an Indigenous dancer, musician and actor who is a Widjabul Wia-bal man from the Bundjalung nation and Dave Houston, a musician, comic and actor with an Anglo-Celtic background.
The show uses multimedia, improvisation, sketch and stand-up comedy and investigates the AWKward truth that exists within ourselves and our relationships in contemporary Australian society.
Following the show is an optional Q&A where the themes of the show are unpacked and investigated. The show is currently touring high schools on the east coast of Australia, before heading back to New York for a season.
Workshops in theatre-making are also available for drama students.