SHOW ME THE CASH - Online grant writing workshop
Learn how to grant speak
2 workshops - Saturday 29 July & Saturday 5 August - 10am-1pm
$150 for the course and resources OR
$115 each if you bring a friend |
Session 1 29th July 2023 10am-1pm Course outline: 1. Introduction 2. Scope out heaps of grants 3. Prepare your document to write up the grant 4. The art of dreaming your project into words 5. Producing your project The What, How, When, Who With, Who For, Why, 6. Budget 7. Timeline 8. Partners & Stakeholders 9. Support material 10. Using AI ChatGPT 11. Questions 12. Homework for session 2 Session 2 5th August 2023 10am-1pm You return with questions and a short proposal for a project. That you write up in your own time including: A title A 50 word summary A 200 word summary A 50 word bio A list of potential partners A list of potential funders 1 draft support letter. A simple budget Session 2 is a Sharing and Feedback session, plus covering any areas that people would like more help with. |
Artwork by Keithie's granddaughter Aaliyah
Full-On Theatre acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Land on which their work has been made and on the countries we tour through. We pay respect to their elders past, present and future and acknowledge that the countries were never ceded. Always was. Always will be.
Full-On Theatre acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Land on which their work has been made and on the countries we tour through. We pay respect to their elders past, present and future and acknowledge that the countries were never ceded. Always was. Always will be.
Contact Dave Houston +61 0411 710 081 [email protected]